U-Tiki Beach Waterfront Restaurant & Bar
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- Jupiter, Florida, United States
HOBE SOUND, FL – February 28, 2017 – Take the next step in your journey learning how to compose interesting, everlasting, and creative images. This class is aimed at advancing the knowledge of all 2D (painting, photography etc.) artists, and has been presented to art leagues and photography clubs. The class is led by local photographer Bruce Bain. Bruce teaches and presents at various locations in the Palm Beaches. In addition to Bruce’s photos having won awards domestically and internationally for Best of Show, Best of Category and Honorable Mention work has appeared in National Geographic stories. His work is also published and sold by various home decor agencies and other online sites.
“Composition” covers topics on subject matter and centers of interest, the rule of thirds, horizons, space management, depth, framing, perspectives, landscape and portrait considerations,
and other techniques for effective composition.
Proceeds from the event also benefit the Friends of Jonathan Dickinson State Park, Inc., a community-based, non-profit organization. The Friends organization promotes the historical, educational, and ecological enhancement of Jonathan Dickinson State Park and is directly responsible for funding many park programs and improvements.
The two-and-a-half hour program is $40 per person and includes park entry, class instruction and handouts. All levels are welcome. For registration visit www.friendsofjdsp.org or visit us on Facebook, Friends of JDSP. Email friendsjdsp@gmail.com or contact the park’s Kimbell Education Center, 561-745- 5551.
The program will take place at Jonathan Dickinson State Park, Kimbell Education Center, 16450 SE Federal Hwy, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 on Saturday, March 18, from 9:30 a.m. – 1200 p.m.