Onshore Construction & Development
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- Jupiter, Florida, United States
JUPITER- Jupiter Community High School will be presented with a $310,0000 donation from the Perry J. Cohen Foundation during Friday night's football game at the school.
The donation will fund the permanent transformation of the retention pond in front of the school into The Perry J. Cohen Wetlands Laboratory and outdoor classroom for the school's Environmental Research & Field Studies Academy.
WHEN: Friday, September 7 at approximately 7 p.m.
(Halftime of the football game that begins at 6 p.m.)
WHERE: Jupiter High School Football Stadium
500 N. Military Trail
The Perry J. Cohen Foundation, along with the help of private individuals, fundraisers and corporate sponsors, is transforming the retention pond that will be planted with materials most recognized as the five ecozones of Florida ranging from the Coastal Upland Hammock to the Littoral Shelf just inside the shallow portion of the pond.
In addition, the design includes a bridge with stairs into the water and an ADA boardwalk into the deepest part of the pond. These hardscape elements will provide platforms from which students can access the water safely for taking water samples and teachers can conduct lessons. A nature trail with interpretive signage will identify the varied plant material and the ecozones. The Wetlands Laboratory will be used by students from the entire school for research, analysis, monitoring and biology lessons.
In the fall of last year, Phase 1 of the project was completed with the construction of the outdoor classroom donated by US Paverscapes, Yukon Construction and Supermix Concrete. World renowned artist Shepard Fairey came to JCHS in December to paint a special mural which he donated in support of the Perry J. Cohen Wetlands Laboratory and the Jupiter Environmental Research Field Study Academy (JERFSA) program at Jupiter Community High School. The mural features elements of the environment, nature, wildlife, the Jupiter Lighthouse, an iconic structure of Jupiter and the portrait of Perry Cohen which the project is named after.
"Because of Perry's deep love for the sea, a highlight of the foundation's work is the creation of the Perry J. Cohen Wetlands Laboratory at Jupiter High School and its annual continuing education scholarship program that will recognize deserving students who plan to further their education in the Marine Science and Environmental Education fields, as well as the preservation of our coastlines," said Pamela Cohen.
The PJC Foundation has also worked with Jupiter High School for the last three years to develop and fund a boating safety education program through the community school.
For more information on the Perry J. Cohen Foundation and the Wetland Laboratory, visit www.pjc.org.
About the School District of Palm Beach County
The School District of Palm Beach County is the 10th largest in the nation and the fifth largest in the state of Florida with 179 schools, serving more than 194,000 students who speak 154 languages and dialects. As the largest employer in Palm Beach County, the School District has more than 22,000 employees, including more than 12,000 teachers. To learn more about the School District of Palm Beach County, visit www.palmbeachschools.org.
Public Senior High Schools
Jupiter, Florida, United States |
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