Engel & Volkers Jupiter
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- Jupiter, Florida, United States
JUPITER, FL – February 28, 2018 – Yoga is a heavily-practiced art to strengthen the core, relax the mind, and center the soul. Jupiter-based yoga instructor, Kimberly Wyss has provided some poses for you to achieve “Zen” on your own.
(Urdhvamukha shvanasana)
Ground the palms into the earth, shoulders are stacked above wrist as your arms are strong and straight. Chest is lifting and opening as the shoulders roll away from the ears and there is a bend in the lower back. Press the tops of the feet into the earth as your legs and glutes power up lifting the thighs up off the ground.
BENEFITS: Opens your chest, strengthens the arms, shoulders, and back
Standing on knees, hips stacked above the knees, bending back, reach your right hand to your respective heel and pull your foot towards the back of your thigh, then wrap your hand around to the shin. Keep the left foot pressing into the earth. Drop the head back, looking behind yourself, and release any stresses you may have.
BENEFITS: Chest, shoulder opener, as well as hips and quad stretch.
(Ubhaya Padangusthasana)
From seated butterfly, grab a hold of the big toes with peace fingers and begin to straighten the legs out and up in front of you, balancing just below the tailbone. Do not round the back, keep it strong and straight while lifting the chest up and forward.
BENEFITS: Leg stretch and core strengthener.
(High Skandasana)
Shifting to either side, bending one knee while the other leg stays straight and both feet stay planted. The bent knee stays stacked above the ankle and flows in the same direction as the foot, which will turn slightly out. Arms can stay grounded or for added core and leg engagement, hands can come to heart center. Keep back flat and chest opening forward.
BENFITS: Hip opening, leg stretch and strengthener.
Both legs are straight with front foot turned forward. Front foot is in line with the back foots arch or heal. Arms are drawing a straight line from the earth to the sky. Shoulders are stacked and hips rotate open and stack; picture fitting between to plains of glass. Do not collapse into the earth, lift the torso up to the sky as the chest and hips shine forward and also upward.
BENEFITS: Tones the legs while opening the chest and hips
For more information on yoga classes for all levels and other services provided, visit www.yog1styles.com. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook @yog1styles.