Evo Italian Restaurant
- 561-745-2444
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- Jupiter, Florida, United States
Jupiter, FL - October 26, 2020 - The InFlorida team are a mixture of yoga fanatics, office workers and a former collegiate basketball player with lower back issues. Therefore, we were keen to try out anything to help relieve stress on the spine from either long hours behind the computer to a compressed lower disc.
The first thing we noticed was the simplistic design with a stiff inner structure, covered in a springy mat material with grippy texture. Each wheel has a circumferential, concave groove to help stretch the muscles around the spine. The Chirp Wheel is engineered in three different sizes: the 12" Gentle, 10" Medium and the smallest 6" wheel is for deep tissue. It’s also the only wheel on the market which is an FDA-registered class 1, medical device.
The ‘desk workers,’ as we like to call them, really benefitted from the small wheel because it was perfect for relieving the pressure from the neck, and it really helped decrease the tension headache from staring at a screen all-day. They also loved the fact it was easy to store under their desk or take home with them.
All of the wheels are 5 inches wide, but the Medium one was a game changer for our basketball player. At first, she was a little apprehensive, but as soon as she started rolling, she commented on how secure it felt. She also noticed that the size was perfect for reaching between the shoulder blades and really ironing out any pressure and painful muscular knots on her upper and lower back. At the end of the trial, she actually insisted on keeping this wheel.
We had one of our team members, who suffers from disc problems, try out the largest wheel. They noted how they felt fully supported and the more they rolled the less tension they felt in the spine.
In our office, the overall consensus was that the Chirp Wheel was great value for money, good quality and easy to use and store. Usually retailing at $165, its currently on sale for $99 for the 3-pack.
Each Chirp Wheel 3-Pack Comes With: