Safeguarding Students

Safeguarding Students
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PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL – June 26, 2018 – The tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida left many concerns regarding student safety, prompting the Palm Beach County School District to make security upgrades a top priority. Here’s what school superintendent Dr. Donald Fennoy announced in a written statement is being done:

  • Hiring 75 additional police officers specifically to patrol schools
  • New doors and locks will be installed for classrooms that did not have locks and the district will work on making sure each classroom is a safe room that can be locked by a teacher in the event of an emergency
  • Safety drills will continue throughout the school year and will be announced in advance by the principal of each school to the students and the staff
  • Elementary and secondary schools are authorized to hire a temporary position to assist in monitoring school entries, parking lots, and any other areas identified by the principal

Fennoy added that while students are off campuses for the summer, projects such as fence installations, changes to front office entries, and replacement or upgrades of security cameras will be carried out.

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