U-Tiki Beach Waterfront Restaurant & Bar
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- Jupiter, Florida, United States
JUPITER, FL – May 17, 2017 – What is really going on in that bottle of water we drink or in that glass from the tap? Does our beloved bottle with the pretty label contain distilled, spring, artesian…or tap? Water is streaming into our collective consciousness. From Flint to Fukushima the news in not good as to the purity and sanctity of our trusted brand or municipal water system. We place our bet on water roulette with our every spin of the water wheel.
Water Roulette’s Author Bill Strait says “we’ve got to get in there and understand what, exactly, is going on in our sacred ritual: drinking water. This timely book leads the way to clarity about H2O!"
Bill Strait has been there and has done the homework! He spent 35 years traveling the world and studying every aspect of water, this global water expert has circumnavigated the globe and crossed oceans over 200 times in search of the truth about the water we drink right here in the USA. Bill’s unique and often humorous perspective finds its way into his treatise called Water.
Roulette: The Truth About The Water We Drink.
· How much should we drink?
· What’s really in our water- is there a conspiracy?
· Is toxicity living in those water pipes leading to our houses?
· Is the government protecting us from water toxins?
· Is one brand of bottled water better than others?
· Is alkaline water really making us better humans?
· Does that filter on the faucet really keep us safe?
· How can we invest in water, and make millions?
Bill Strait is a true student of the world. As global aviator, he captained airliners around the globe and across oceans for over 35 years. His global expertise on the subject of water is well known and in great demand. This book is a culmination of his study and interest in getting to the often confusing truth about good old H20. Bill is from New Orleans and lives with his family in Jupiter, Florida.